Friday, December 11, 2009

here i go...(2)

"w-well i also said that you were pretty", I managed to stammer out those last few words before
I was knocked to the floor and was not in the least bit conscious. Blood was pouring like waterfalls out of my nostrils, and I might have died if it weren't for the after school math club. The math club leader ,Colin I think was his name, called an ambulance. Then I was soon on my merry way to ER land.
It's actually a shame that I went to the hospital, because my parent ended up paying a bazillion dollars on a broken nose and a couple stitches. Honestly I'm glad it happened, because after that me and Una had a nice(not to mention long distance, because she got expelled)friendship-like thing going on. I think she really felt terrible, even though she had broken many people's noses before(I'm guessing that she had a crush on me).